Plant tie machine saves time and accomplishes 3-4 times the work of hand-tying alone. It is very useful for climbing roses, grapevines onto wires, or tomatoes onto support canes.
Materials: ABS, PP, Steel alloy
Dimensions: 31 x 9.5 x 5 cm
Tape: 0.12 mm x 11mm
Weight: 510 grams
Binding limit: maximum 45 mm ⵀX, parallel 20 mm ⵀ
Product description: Bindsy is a plant tying tool, which is designed to facilitate gardening and enable plant to grow straight. It can be used to tie different plants such as tomatoes, cucumbers, grapevine and others. The packaging includes: 1x plant tying tool, 1x tape, 1x pack of staples.